
How Much Does It Cost To Steam Clean An Engine

How Much Does It Cost to Steam Clean Your Engine?

Last Updated:  August 10, 2018

Talk to any mechanic and almost all of them will tell you to keep your car's engine cleaned for a few reasons.

For starters, engines are not designed to have grease build up on the surface as this can cause a lot of problems such as restricting the air flow on the metal, which is designed ot keep the engine cool.  This debris can also act as an insulator as it starts to build up, eventually making the engine run hotter than normal.  Lastly, if you allow the grease and oil to stick around, it will eventually eat its way through the plastic coatings on the wires and rubber hoses.

A standard engine steam clean job, unlike comparable engine cleaning methods, is usually recommended for car owners who want to find oil leaks, but it can also be done if you want the engine to be detailed and look like new again.

The average steam clean engine cost

The costs to have your vehicle's engine steam cleaned by a professional detailer will all depend on the professional you choose, how much of the engine needs to be steamed cleaned and your geographical location. From what we researched, the costs to have a professional steam clean your entire engine, from top to bottom, can range anywhere from $150 to $350.

If you just wanted the top only, which is often recommended to clean up the engine's appearance, then the costs can be about $50 to $75.  For a complete package, often including the engine and all of the undercarriage, including the suspension and backing plates, can cost $300 to $650+

On this Yelp review page for San Jose Auto Steam Cleaning, a professional auto steam cleaning service in California, someone said the total costs, from the front top to the bottom of the rear, would cost about $300 to $350, but the costs would depend on the car.

Transhine Auto Detailing, a professional auto detailer based in Whittier, California, according to its official pricing list charges $149.95 from top to bottom, $49.95 for just the top or $130 for the bottom only.

If you want to perform the job on your own, has multiple steam cleaners, designed for home use, for as little as $65 to $175, depending on the brand you choose.  This steamer, if you were to purchase it, could be used multiple times throughout the years and on multiple vehicles, helping you save quite a bit of money.

Steam cleaning an engine process

The pros of engine steam cleaning

Great for the environment – Since it doesn't use any sort of harsh chemicals, such as soda blasting, no residue will be left behind nor will it release toxic vapors.  Any sort of mess caused by most engine cleaning jobs can often pollute sewers or waterways if not cleaned up effectively.

Removes grease, oil, and buildup – The jet streams can effectively dissolve most particles of dirt and/or buildup which has accumulated on the engine over the years.  While there are conflicting debates online, experts often recommend steam cleaning as one of the best ways to return the vehicle's engine to its original look.

Spots oil leaks – A steam clean can often make it easier to detect an oil leak as the buildup can be removed from the hoses responsible for the leak.  While harsh chemicalscan be used, it's often not recommended as sometimes, it can cause more damage.

The cons of engine steam cleaning

According to Rick Popely at, steam cleaning a car's engine can potentially damage mechanical parts due to the moisture.  Instead, mechanics may recommend using a degreaser with either a small nozzled vacuum, compressed air and/or toothbrush.

The steam, according to some experts, can make its way into the wire connectors beneath the hood, and once this happens, it will eventually condense and cause corrosion.  This corrosion, in turn, will turn on your "check engine" light most of the time, and if you need to take an emissions test in your state, then, unfortunately, you won't be able to pass it while the light is on.  Pat Goss at MotorWeek recommends using plastic bags and rubber bands to protect the sensitive parts of the engine and use a de-greasing chemical.

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How Much Does It Cost To Steam Clean An Engine


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